This patient initially presented for tongue-tie release in relation to speech clarity and poor resting tongue posture.
Since tongue-tie release in combination with myofunctional therapy, he has noticed speech improvements, he feels more refreshed on waking from sleep and during the day, and he had an immediate release of body tension.
At the three month mark, he described this as feeling like a elastic band had been holding him in, and since his shoulders and back have felt more open, he can stand straight.
He had been going for regular chiropractic treatment to address lower back pain for 2 years, but that has now resolved post release. He has not continued chiropractic care to manage back pain since.
Any surgical procedure carries risk, and individual results may vary.
Before proceeding with this surgery, you should seek a second opinion with an appropriately qualified practitioner.

Many people we see have tension headaches and migraines that can be linked to chronic neck tension.

Posterior tongue-tie, or restriction of mobility of the back half of the tongue can be a hidden contributor to these problems when muscles of the neck are recruited in compensation – including during swallowing.

In this dear patient’s case, we discovered that using a straw bottle was compounding the dysfunction.

Her symptoms were alleviated by getting closer to the root of the issue with myofunctional therapy, tongue-tie release and changing to drink bottles that didn’t require sucking.

Any surgical procedure carries risk, and individual results may vary.
Before proceeding with this surgery, you should seek a second opinion with an appropriately qualified practitioner.

Great to check in with this patient at the completion of his active myofunctional therapy with Taylor today.

He experienced relief of chronic neck tension from day one of initial therapy to prepare for tongue tie release.
He reported a greater area of neck tension release and some sleep improvements post tongue tie release.

Any surgical procedure carries risk, and individual results may vary. Before proceeding with this surgery, you should seek a second opinion with an appropriately qualified practitioner.

When we are working with adults with tongue tie, we often perceive it be a release of a whole person, for example from chronic tension and unrefreshed sleep that has been holding them back for years. It is a privilege for our team to see this transformation.
This was one such example and dear patient whose journey we are grateful to have been a part of.

Any surgical procedure carries risk, and individual results may vary. Before proceeding with this surgery, you should seek a second opinion with an appropriately qualified practitioner.

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